About KM-A
Knowledge Management Associates
KMA Knowledge Management Associates GmbH advises companies in the implementation of knowledge management and in its performance improvement.
Professional KM means to strengthen competitiveness, profitability, sustainability, and happiness in the organizations. We apply an integrated KM approach: strategy, organization, people, and technology must complement each other in order for knowledge management to come to fruition. We advise a wide range of organizations, including international companies and organizations, as well as highly specialized small and medium enterprises and NGOs.
We work in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and also support knowledge partnerships and business collaboration for sustainable development.
Knowledge Management Academy
The KM Academy has trained generations of knowledge managers in German and English language. The KM Certification Course offers a comprehensive education and immersion in knowledge management. Our online and in-house trainings are designed for companies who have already acquired a basic understanding of knowledge management and want to build upon this foundation.
Knowledge Management Austria
The nonprofit organization Knowledge Management Austria / Institute of Knowledge Management provides a scientific basis and innovative services for the successful management of knowledge in business and society. The organization also provides networking services, connecting both practitioners and researchers in knowledge management and making the exchange of experiences and ideas possible with the aim of facilitating broader dissemination of knowledge in the KM community.
KM Community
KM-A takes pride in bringing different interest groups together on the topics of KM, knowledge work and knowledge policy making, from practitioners and scientists all the way to stakeholders, administrators, and politicians.
In order to better facilitate this convergence of professionals, we established a special forum: the Knowledge Partnership, founded and sustained by Knowledge Management Austria, with the mandate to promote a livable, effective and sustainable knowledge community, free exchange of ideas and experiences, and community initiatives. The Agenda Knowledge conference represents the apex of this community, thus forming a link to the international KM society.
Wiki consulting.
Semantic MediaWiki, Knowledge Graphs and more.
Knowledge Partnership
Connecting the Knowledge Community
Become a member of the KM-Austria!

Gersthofer Strasse 162,
1180 Vienna, Austria
Austria: +43 1 4702909
Germany: +49 30 555 777 46