
2024 Ceremony

13 December, 2024
15:00 CET, online


See here the Award-Video
providing a glance on the development of the Award, the Columns of Knowledge, and the Winners since 2009!

The Award

About the award

Annually since 2009, the international Knowledge Management Award is bestowed upon an international organization as well as an outstanding personalityA jury constituted under the auspice of the Association Knowledge Management Austria nominates the candidates.


The prize is given in recognition of the winner’s outstanding accomplishments in research, implementation and innovation of successful management methods for knowledge politics and knowledge management. It is also meant to recognize the impact made on the development of a knowledge society in general and more specifically on knowledge creation, transformation, distribution and application.


Research, implementation and innovation of successful management methods for knowledge politics and knowledge management

Impact made on the development of a knowledge society: knowledge creation, transformation, distribution and application

Columns of Knowledge

The physical instantiation of the Knowledge Management Award

The metallic sculpture created by the Austrian artist Prof. Helmut Margreiter, named the Columns of Knowledge. The object depicts the dialogue between established and well-proven knowledge, represented by a glossy, cylindrical pillar, and the innovative pursuit of the unknown, the undefined and fragile, represented by a rough counterpart in a triangular shape. In this respect, knowledge is understood as an intangible, fluid condition between these two worlds where the appreciation of the well-known is combined with a yearning for novelty. The KM Award sculpture was presented for the first time in public in its tall version at the UNESCO World Day for Cultural Diversity on 21 May 2008.

Award Winners

The Winners of the Knowledge Management Award since 2009:

2009: Usula Schneider (Individual)

2010: Charles Savage (Individual)

2010: IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (International Organisation)

2011: Stefan Güldenberg (Individual)

2012: UNDP United Nations Development Programme (International Organisation)

2012: Nico Stehr (Individual) 

2014: Klaus North (Individual)

2015: Angelika Mittelmann (Individual)

2015: UNESCO United Nations Education Science Culture Organization

2016: Dr. Ibrahim Al Marri (Individual)

2016: (International Organisation)

2017: Leif Edvinsson (Individual)

2017: JIU Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System

2018: Ali Asghar Pourmand (Individual)

2018: International Fund for Agricultural Development (International Organisation)

2019: Charles Dhewa (Individual)

2019: ILRI International Lifestock Research Institute (International Organisation)

2020: Kimiz Dalkir (Individual)

2020: UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (International Organisation)

2021: Eric Tsui (Individual)

2021: Green Climate Fund (International Organisation)

2022: Vincent Ribière (Individual)

2022: Asian Development Bank (International Organisation)

2023: Stacey Young (Individual)

2023: World Food Programme  (International Organisation)

2024: Benjamin Abugri (Individual) 

2024: World Bank Group (International Organisation)


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